Thursday, January 22, 2009

My beloved Grandpa

Grandpa Constance Butenko 6/15/1917- 1/21/2009

Psalm 103:14-15 For He knows our frame, He [earnestly] remembers and imprints [on His heart] that we are dust. As for man, his days are as grass; as a flower of the field, so he flourishes. Ecclesiastes 3:20 All go to one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again. 1 Peter 1:24 The old life is a grass life, its beauty as short-lived as wildflowers; Grass dries up, flowers droop, God's Word goes on and on forever. This is the Word that conceived the new life in you.

What do you say? I am lucky that I had the privilege of knowing my grandfather! It's kinda selfish to think that I wish he was still a live, but I know that he is in a better place. I am blessed for I knew him for the past 36 years and I could not tell you about a better man!

My grandfather left Russia when it became communist migrating to Harbin, China. In time China also became communist so his famiy came to America when he was only seven years old. His wife also followed this same migration to America- both were born in the same hospital in China, both came to our country, and married years later.

They did not know each other prior to meeting here in this country. All the same, God's divine plan and purpose brought them together here. They have five children living in the area, nine grandchildren (two of which passed away years ago), and at least nine great grandchildren.

I rejoice in the fact that my grandfather is no longer sick, unable to walk, and in pain! I rejoice that he is now standing with Jesus in heaven dancing and praising God for His mercy in our lives. I am sad, but at the same time I know he is no longer bound by our human limitations nor suffering in body. My heart longs for him to be here yet at the same time I am at peace because he is no longer suffering.

God bless, may God's joy overflow into your hearts and His peace fill your lives this day.


  1. My grandfather came also from Russia when he was a child. I posted this & it turned up in another entry. I miss him yet even tho he passed in 1990.

  2. I miss him a lot too, but I also know that one of these days I will see him with Jesus. We will be together again and I look forward to that day more now then ever!!! What a blessing!!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

    Love in Christ,
